PERSONAL FINANCE 🔆 Founder 1 🌔 Founder 2
Personal Runway?
Current Burn Rate?
Ideal Monthly Salary Min Monthly Salary
Other finance activities and time commitment to them?
What is your expected time commitment right now? How do you see that changing in the next 6 months? 2 years?
What is your money philosophy?
COMPANY FINANCE 🔆 Founder 1 🌔 Founder 2
Would you invest your own money, how min to max?
How much is already invested?
Can a cofounder fire another cofounder? How do we handle that?
What would make it a financially bad company for you?
What drives decision to fold the business?
How do we make financial decisions?

| What happens if one of us decides to leave the company? How do you take it forward and what do you want to do? | | |

FUNDING 🔆 Founder 1 🌔 Founder 2
What’s your overall mental model around funding?
How much money should we raise? (i.e. “zero” to “as much as we can”) In the range of “bootstrapped small business” to “go big or go home”, where do you want this startup to
What matters most in a funder? If you were doing reference checks on a VC or potential
board member, what traits would you be looking for?
How much equity would you want to retain post funding?
TEAM MEMBER SALARY 🔆 Founder 1 🌔 Founder 2
How should we benchmark team member salary?
Approach towards cash+ESOP?
What kind of team do we want to hire? (Remote, talent, frugal, in India, budget)